My company wants to fundraise

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Fundraising as a company

Thank you for choosing to fundraise for Lancashire Mind.

Support from Lancashire based companies is key to our ability to continue offering our services and reaching as many people as possible across the county. Our virtual wellbeing coaching service for 10 to 18-year-olds, which has supported over 100 young people, has been made possible only thanks to generous donations from corporate supporters.

The pandemic and cost of living crisis has led to many people experiencing poor mental health for the first time and more people have experienced needing to support a loved one with their mental health. Your colleagues, customers, suppliers, and the communities you serve, and want to reach, will all have a connection to mental health. By supporting Lancashire Mind, you’re demonstrating your commitment to improving mental health for everyone.

How fundraising helps

  • £750

    Could provide a workshop for parents/carers whose children are experiencing poor mental health, enabling them to understand and support their child

  • £2,800

    Could empower a group of people to improve wellbeing for themselves and their community through participation in our Community Wellbeing Challenge

  • £10,500

    Could provide 30 children with six sessions of wellbeing coaching, helping them to identify and overcome barriers to wellbeing

  • Resources

    For tips, ideas and information please download our fundraiser's resources or contact our fundraising team

Corporate partnerships

We value every one of our corporate partners, who all make a big difference to our work. There are many ways in which you can become a Lancashire Mind partner, whether that’s choosing us as your charity of the year or becoming a long term partner we would love to hear from you.


Download the My company wants to fundraise PDF

Fundraising & Corporate Partnerships Brochure

Fundraising Regulator

Lancashire Mind is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising. Established following the 2015 cross-party review of fundraising self-regulation, it works to ensure that charities who raise money from the public do so appropriately. As a charity, Lancashire Mind follows the regulator’s Fundraising Code of Practice.

Other ways to get involved