Children's virtual wellbeing coaching

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Our Children and Young People Virtual Coaching service is free for any child or young person living in Lancashire, between the ages of 10-18. Sessions are delivered online.

Wellbeing Coaching is a low level, preventative approach to wellbeing and mental health. During the 6-week programme, the young person will work with one of our experienced Wellbeing Coaches to identify and remove barriers to their wellbeing and together create goals to work towards. improve your wellbeing and work on practical coping strategies you can use.

Thank you to Booths for their continued support of this service.

Topics that we can support with through wellbeing coaching include:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Low mood
  • Worry
  • School pressures
  • Friendships
  • Relationships
  • Routine
  • Sleep
  • General health and wellbeing

"Coaching has made me feel more confident in myself and has made me understand my emotions better. Coaching made me feel better about myself in general, like my self-esteem and confidence."

If you have an adult child or you need support for yourself, we also have a range of adult services. 

Adult Services

"From the first session Faye started to change. She felt listened to by you, trusted and as a result opened up properly to us for the first time… she has become so much stronger, You taught her to believe in herself and believe she has the ability to help herself."

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