Super Ste Smashes 365-day Fundraiser!

“Everyday is a new day and talking is the best remedy in life ?” – Ste’s fundraising motto.
Lancashire Mind are so lucky to have such passionate, committed and giving fundraisers and this is no more the case than with Ste Tabiner, from Blackburn, who finished the final day of an astounding 365-day challenge last month.
On 6 May 2021, Ste, aged 34, took on the challenge of ‘Ste’s Tab’s 5k RED for 365 days’ and has run 5kms every single day between then and 5 May 2022 despite job, family and football coaching commitments.
Ste explained: “I’ve always been an active person so the running part was the easy part. The challenging part was doing it every day whilst still working as a builder, running a family and football coaching. Also running through rain, ice, snow and even hot weather. This was the part I feared the most, as it would put a lot of pressure on me mentally.”
It is the mental nature of the challenge and the importance of mental health that inspired Ste’s choice. “That’s why I chose Lancashire Mind for my charity, it kind of went hand in hand with my challenge,” Ste added.
Ste covered a staggering 1825kms during his challenge, raising a wonderful £4,500 for Lancashire Mind – smashing his already high target of £3,600. This is the equivalent to providing:
- 18 courses of 1-to-1 coaching sessions for those facing barriers to achieving good mental health; or
- 90 Happier Lancashire workshops in local schools, teaching children about the five ways to wellbeing; or
- responses to calls to up to 900 people, providing emotional support and signposting them to the help they need.
“We are so humbled by everyone who fundraises for us Lancashire Mind”, said Meera Rambissoon, Lancashire Mind’s Fundraising and Communications Co-ordinator. “We cannot thank Ste more for his stamina, dedication, time and perseverance – he’s given his all, for so long and what an achievement. A huge thank you Ste and to everyone who has supported him with donations, morale boosts and company on his runs.”
Paying tribute to everyone who supported him, Ste said: “I’m overwhelmed by the support I received and also for the people who accompanied me on my runs, especially my partner Samantha who saw me on the days I couldn’t be bothered, she gave me the positivity and drive to carry on.”