Adult virtual wellbeing coaching

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The support is tailored to each individual person’s needs.

Wellbeing Coaching is a low level, preventative approach to wellbeing and mental health.  When working with one of our wellbeing coaches you will explore your own mental health and wellbeing through six, one-hour sessions.  Topics that are covered in wellbeing coaching include:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Low mood
  • Worry
  • Relationships
  • Routine
  • Sleep
  • General health and wellbeing

100% of clients who accessed coaching said they would recommend us to family/friends or colleagues.

"A very positive experience with a positive outcome, thank you! I am now better able to respond and process negative feelings and am much better motivated."

How to join our Adult Wellbeing Coaching

If you are aged 18+, living in Lancashire and struggling with your mental wellbeing e.g. low mood, anxiety, stress, money concerns, emotional wellbeing, you can access one to one support to improve your wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem.

Referrals for this project are currently closed while we are re-structuring our adult services coaching. Please follow our social media and website for updates.

"It has change my home environment and relationship with my children and family and friends for the better. It was a great service, receiving much needed support at the comfort of your own home."

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