Self-Harm Safe Kit

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Coming soon

Further information, support and advice is available:

If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or struggling with your mental health Get Help Now

Healthy Young Minds Lancashire & South Cumbria
For explainer videos, self-help information and signposting to various services

Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: for a reply within 24 hours

SHOUT Crisis Line
Text “SHOUT” to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text “YM” if you’re under 19

Self Injury Support
Self Injury Support webchat (for women and girls) is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7pm to 9.30pm

Webchat (for men) is open from 5pm to midnight every day

Call 0300 123 3393 for information and advice or visit the website