How to Make Self-Care Your New Year's Resolution (and Stick to It) The champagne bubbles have settled & the gym members card is still pristine. Instead of chasing elusive goals in 2024, lets embrace self-care!

Home » News » How to Make Self-Care Your New Year’s Resolution (and Stick to It) The champagne bubbles have settled & the gym members card is still pristine. Instead of chasing elusive goals in 2024, lets embrace self-care!

January has been and gone, but our marketing team asks: Have you stuck to your New Year’s resolution? 

Author: Lauren McAteer (Marketing Lead, Lancashire Mind)

Two things happened this week that made me stop and think about the importance of self-care.

The first was noticing little snowdrop bulbs peeking up in the garden, which made me realise it’s actually February! I’ve been so focused on planning for our team and enjoying the creativity a New Year brings – that it seems like I’ve moved through January at a sprint.

The second was a conversation with a colleague. As I gleefully took my first bite of a breakfast pastry, I was asked, “Have you kept to your resolutions?” Clearly not, I thought. I’ll start the diet again tomorrow…

I reflected (over my pastry and coffee) that maybe I chose the wrong New Year’s resolutions. Rather than trying to change single behaviours, self-care should be my priority!

Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions to improve their lives. They promise to eat healthier, exercise more, quit smoking, save money, or learn a new skill. But how many keep their resolutions? According to a study in Psychology Today, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s goals.

Why is it so hard to stick to our resolutions and what can we do to make them more realistic and sustainable?

A few challenges keep our resolutions from sticking. We set unrealistic and vague goals that are hard to measure and track. We don’t consider the ‘why’.

Sometimes, we are just not mentally and emotionally ready for change. In my case, trying to change something I think of as a ‘negative’ when I’m focussing on other priorities didn’t work.

So, I’m having a do-over. February will be about making positive changes, not just cutting out negative ones.

Self-care is my new top goal!

Self-care is about looking after ourselves in a way that supports our mental health, physical health, happiness, and resilience. It also means valuing ourselves enough to make self-care a priority. Fighting the stigma that self-care is somehow selfish or indulgent. It’s essential.

Sleeping well.

We all know that sleep is vital for physical and mental health. It helps our body to heal and our brain to function. A good night’s sleep improves my mood; I struggle the following day if my sleep quality is poor.

So, I’ll be putting down my phone early, no late-night screen time, and enjoying a caffeine-free warm drink before bed.

Moving more.

Hands up, I’m guilty of forgetting to move when working. I know how important movement is throughout the day, but I lose time when focussed. I’ve started to set an alarm which is such a simple and effective solution. Marching on the spot for 10 minutes, having a brisk lunchtime walk, simple stretching or chair yoga are great ways to get physical activity into a workday. Movement also improves circulation and releases endorphins. Win, win!

Eating better.

Food is fuel for our body and mind. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet helps maintain a healthy weight and boosts well-being. While I won’t be removing ALL the little treats from my life, I will make positive changes. Cooking is an activity I love, so this will be a great opportunity to make time for myself and try new healthy recipes.

Breathing deeply.

Breathing can be a powerful tool for relaxation and stress relief, ask any of our Wellbeing Coaches! Deep breathing helps calm our nervous system, lowers blood pressure, and clears our minds. I’ll be making a little addition to my routine and taking a few deep breaths when I get to my desk each morning. Helping me to get focused and ready for the day ahead. It’s also a powerful tool when we feel tense or anxious.

Doing something, I love.

Hobbies and passions can enrich our lives and make us happy. They help with self-expression, learning new skills, and connecting with others. Whether it’s reading, writing, painting, gardening, playing music, or anything else, making time for our favourite activities is important.

My crochet hook and some super soft wool will return from their cupboard hideaway this month. I find the movement of knitting, crochet, or any craft so relaxing. I’m planning some ‘me time’ in the evenings for a few nights a week to do the things I love.

Remember, self-care is not a one-time thing; we should try to practice it daily. There will be times when we experience challenges, depending on our routine, situation, or mood. The important thing is being kind to ourselves and giving our mental health and well-being respect and attention.

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Wellbeing Coaching is a goal-focused approach designed to support you in improving your wellbeing and to equip you with the tools to manage stress, low mood, anxiety, and other mental wellbeing concerns.

Virtual Wellbeing Coaching– this is a free, 1-to-1 service, available to all adults in Lancashire.

Adult Wellbeing Coaching – this is a costed, 1-to-1 and face-to-face service, available to all adults in Lancashire.

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